Commissioner Dr Chiropafadzo Moyo
Dr Moyo holds a PhD in Theology from Stellenbosch University, South Africa which research centered on marital conflict arising from fertility and barrenness and mechanisms for resolution of such conflict. She also holds a Masters Degree from Luther Seminary in Minnesota, USA where she wrote a Dissertation on the conflict of the land issue in Zimbabwe. She is also a graduate of the University of Zimbabwe where she attained her BA Honours with a dissertation on the “Varemba Culture in Zimbabwe”. She holds a certificate in counselling, and completed a course in Israel on peace and reconciliation. In Israel, through the joint operation of the United Nations and the Lutheran School of Theology in Jerusalem, she had the opportunity to participate in the navigation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peacebuilding in that context.
Profession as a Pastor
- As an ordained pastor of the Lutheran Church for 31 years, she has served the church in different capacities and brings varied experiences. As a scholar, she has presented her work at multiple workshops and conferences across Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, and lectured at the United Theological College (Zimbabwe) for 11 years where she also held the position of Academic Dean responsible for counselling and mediation of, and among, the study body. Dr Moyo’s service in the church included her appointment as Dean of the Martin Luther Deanery from 2007 to 2017, and a member of the ELCZ’s Ministerial Board for 21 years. Throughout her career, she has been passionate about putting research to action, particularly regarding education and gender issues. This led to her appointment to the Lutheran World Federation’s Advisory Committee for Theological Education in Africa, among other appointments, and her present role as Zimbabwe Coordinator for Miske Witt and Associates International – an education-oriented INGO. She was also appointed by the church to serve in the Committee for international organization Black Lutheran Theologians which was meant to unite and promote the study of black theology in Africa and in the diaspora. She is also a member of the Concerned Female Theologians in Africa, a body which looks into the gender issues from a theological perspective.
- The Lutheran Church is a church largely concentrated in Matebeleland and the Midlands. The church is burdened by tribalism, and for the 10 years that she served as Dean (this is an administrative role). She undertook a significant amount of work in mediation and unifying the church along tribal lines. One of her strengths in discharging this duty was the fact that she speaks both Ndebele and Shona fluently and that she has an understanding of other minority languages in the regions.
- The Lutheran church also participates in peace and reconciliation through the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, within which Dr Moyo served on the board and on various committees for 10 years. One of the major tasks was to address conflicts among churches and conflicts within the nation, which she continues to do.
- Her counselling skills as pastor would very much contribute to her reconciliatory ability within the peace and reconciliation commission
- Dr Moyo is the one of the two women to be trained and ordained Pastor in the Lutheran Church. She is the first women to attain a high church leadership role and the first black women to lecturer at United Theological Seminary.
- Throughout her career, Dr Moyo has harnessed the fact that she is a woman to approach and influence other women towards peace in a relatable manner. In her 31 years of pastoral experience, she knows that the majority of church members are women, and much of the inner drive for leadership and conflict resolution is led by women. The African continent’s history of liberation struggle and peacebuilding has shown us that women have a pivotal role to play in reconciliation, and Dr Moyo is well positioned to ensure that the commission fully explores the avenues of including women in national healing efforts.
- Dr Moyo is a member of the Council of Great Zimbabwe University and a member of the Lutheran Church.