The Commission joins Zimbabwe and the rest of the world in commemorating the 2023 International Day of Peace and calls upon individuals, institutions, state and non-state actors to be part of sustainable Actions for Peace as we build a peaceful and harmonious future
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission congratulates His Excellency President Cde E.D Mnangagwa on his resounding victory in the just ended Harmonised Elections.

Congratulations to His Excellency President Dr E.D Mnangagwa
NPRC joins national clean-up campaign
On Friday 7 July 2023, NPR Commissioners and the Executive Secretary, led teams of staff members from the Commission which included General Managers to clean the area around Jason Moyo Avenue and Simon Vengai Muzenda Street terminus in Harare. It was a hive of activity as all members participated in the picking of litter and sweeping the streets using hard brooms. Commissioners, Advocate Obert C. Gutu, Dr Tinashe Rukuni, Dr Josephine Shambare, Nomaqhawe Gwere and the Executive Secretary, Mrs Sibusisiwe Zembe participated and interacted with all staff members present and shared jokes with members of the public who were watching with keen interest to join while a few members of the public joined them briefly at the Simon Muzenda Terminus. Using a hailer, the Commission urged members of the public to preserve and maintain a clean environment to enable the nation to achieve its Vision. The Commission also encouraged the general public to preserve and promote peace before, during and after elections. NPRC also took the opportunity to share and conscientise the public that the Commission is available to receive complaints and to investigate them and to advise that it also has provincial offices in Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, Masvingo and Chinhoyi offices.
Standard Bidding document for the supply and delivery of Mobile phones, Laptops and Desktops
Standard Bidding Document (Goods)- Mobiles and laptops 2023 Standard Bidding Document (Goods)- Office furniture 2023
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) joins the world in commemorating the International Women’s Day, which is running under the theme; DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.NPRC’ 2023 International Women’s Day statement
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) and UN Women partnered to embark on a training to sensitise and train communities to guard against Electoral Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The training took place from the 13th to 17th of February 2023.NPRC trains communities on Electoral GBV
Bidding document for the provision of Vehicle Insurance cover for NPRC
Procurement Reference No: NPRCDP/02/2023
Standard Bidding Document (Goods)- Motor Vehicles Insurance Final
Standard Bidding Document (Goods)- IEC Materials | |