
The National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) was constituted in accordance to the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act 2013 and the National Peace and Reconciliation Act Chapter 10:32 of 2018. The establishment of the NPRC is the realisation of the social and political will and aspiration of Zimbabweans to transition from a conflictual past to a harmonious future. It is one of the Chapter 12 independent commissions mandated to support and entrench human rights and democracy; to protect the sovereignty and interests of the people; to promote constitutionalism; to promote transparency and accountability in public institutions; to secure the observance of democratic values and principles by the State and all institutions and agencies of government and government controlled entities; and to ensure that injustices are remedied.
Conflict Prevention & Non-Recurrence
The Thematic Committee on Prevention and Non Recurrence is chaired by Commissioner Dr. Tinashe Rukuni, deputised by Commissioner Nomaqhawe Gwere. It draws membership from political parties represented in the Parliament of Zimbabwe, civic society groups, women’s organizations, youths, people with disabilities and faith based organizations among others. For ease of coordination and customization of peace and conflict….
Research and Knowledge Management
Apart from the functions spelt out in Section 252 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. The RKM derives directly its mandate from Section 3(2) (b) of the NPRC Act (Chapter 10.32), to conduct research on the nature, scope, extent and causes of the conflicts and the intervening strategies for disputes and conflicts. It executes its functions by carrying out evidence based research through data collection, storage,…..
Victim Support, Gender and Diversity
The Victim Support, Gender and Diversity is one of the five (5) thematic departments of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission charged with the responsibility under section 9 of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission(NPRC) Act (Chapter 10:32) to ensure that the Commission shall establish a Gender Unit to provide for the development of specific guidelines and rules on how the Commission will incorporate gender into its work;
Complaints Handling, Investigations & Legal Services
Complaints handling, Investigations and Legal services is one of the five (5) thematic departments of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission charged with the responsibility to receive and consider complaints from the public and to take such action in regard to the complaints as considers appropriate as enshrined in section 252 (f) of the Constitution, to conduct investigations into any dispute or conflict within the mandate of the Commission
Healing, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation
The HRR Program works closely with the Complaints Handling and Investigations (CHI) and the Victim Support, Gender and Diversity (VSGD) Departments whose programs are a precursor to those of Healing and Reconciliation. The two programs can be described as key enablers cutting across all the functions of the NPRC. Specifically the Healing, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation’s function is to ensure post-conflict justice